Sunday, June 5, 2011


Hi Everyone!

So I have finally been working on the revised version of my NaNo novel, Charlotte. It might not be done in time to use the coupon, but that's fine because I might just publish my first edition anyway.

The revised one will be up on Amazon once it's done. Unless I decide to make another re-written copy...but we'll hope that won't happen in the near future. XD Unless of course some publisher happens to like it and wants to publish it. XD :P is your weekend going? Mine has been going alright. :) My dolls have a new guest at their house-Suzannah! She was lonely on a shelf by herself and now she's with the AG dolls. She likes the cats and Kirsten. :) Julie reminds her a little of Johannah and Leah of Kathryn. Elizabeth of Meg and Felicity of....Johannah. Poor Suzannah, she misses Johannah. :(

Last night we watched a movie called Saving Sarah Cain. It was based off a novel by Beverly Lewis. It was pretty good. :) Speaking of Beverly Lewis, right now I'm reading The Shunning by her. I saw the movie on Hallmark Channel and then I saw the book at Sam's Club. It's pretty good, too. :)

Cya later!



Hannah Mary said...

Wow, your book is going to be on Amazon? Awesome! I'd love to read it, I'm sure you did an amazing job on it!

Quinlyn said...

Hannah-Thanks! Yes, if you publish your novel using CreateSpace then you can put it on Amazon. :) I can't wait!

anya said...

Cool! What's your book about?