Thursday, April 1, 2010

Happy April Fool's Day!!!

Hey Everyone!

Happy April Fool's Day! :D :D Did you play any good pranks today? I didn't really play a prank but I did trick some people, online and also my little brother. I'm going to try and trick him right now...I'm going to tell him that in northern NM they saw stars today in the daytime. Let's see if he falls for it...


I LOVE playing jokes on people!

And here is a little short story for the occasion! I was going to do a photo story but I can't, so I'll just do a story without the pictures. ;)

April Fool's Day was Julie's favorite holiday. Besides Christmas...and her birthday...anyway, she loved it. Two months before that day Julie was very busy planning all her pranks. Fake spiders in the food box, a fake snake popping out of a book, and hiding stuff then when the person went looking for it, after they had checked a place Julie put the missing object in the same place. She came up with some good ones. For this reason, the other dolls did NOT like April Fools Day. Until this year.

Kirsten had been the most tired of the pranks, so she decided to call a meeting. Everyone (exept Julie) came, and they discussed a prank that they could do to Julie. Finally they decided something, and Kathleen clapped her hands in excitement. "Oh, this is going to be so much fun!" she said.

April 1st, before the sun had risen, Kirsten lit a candle. Millie, Kirsten, and Laylie carefully lifted Julie out of bed and put her...right in her box. They shut the lid and tiptoed back to bed. Next morning, Julie woke up thinking how great all her pranks would be. She would start by putting some tape on the floor so when the girls got out of bed they would step in it. She opened her eyes and saw that she was in her box!! She tried to get out. She pushed the lid and it finally popped off. But the noise had woke up the other dolls, and they stood in front of Julie, and said, "APRIL FOOLS!" All together. Julie grinned. She was no longer the only one who loved April Fool's Day.


I hope you liked it! :)

Well, that's about it!

Happy April Fool's Day!



Anonymous said...

Very good story .. you do a great job with your stories .. keep it up ..

Ta Ta,

Hannie said...

My prank was that I told my brother that I had the best April Fools Trick ever. But that was the trick, I didn't really have any trick! I don't think he found it funny though!

Madeline@AGDC said...

That's funny! Go on my website to see a trick I tried to play on my website fans! LOL! Have a good day, Quinlyn!

Madeline@AGDC said...

Oh, and what was the box joke about? Did Julie at first think you were going to send her away? LOL

Anne said...

I didn't play any pranks. But I fell for quite a few of pranks. LOL
I really liked the story! :)