Hey Everyone!!!
On September 7th, I started school!! :D I am now an official 7th grader! Woot woot! I was too tired to post about school on my first day. LOL It's gotten easier because I'm used to my new curriculum now. It rocks! It's called National Connections Academy (and if you are confused, yes, I am still homeschooled. ;) )
I probably won't be on with you guys QUITE as much as before, but don't worry! I'll still have time to email and answer your comments! :)
There's some other, "dolly" news around here, but that's another post, to be saved for later. :D
Did you start school yet? What grade are you in? :)
I have started school recently and I am in 6th grade so I just started middle school!
I just started school two days ago, and I am in 7th grade, too. :)
I do my work all year long, but i don't do it everyday. Just yesterday i did some work for the first time in a long time.
Hi, Quinlyn! I started school in late August, and I am in sixth grade. (I'm homeschooled like you, too.) I wonder what the "dolly" news is...
Lol, 7th Grade too!
Hi Quinlyn! :)
Wow I have been sooo busy with 10th grade this year! LOL I started on the 31 of August. I love your binder, it's so pretty! :) I had a folder with that pattern once.
I started school this week and I'm in the 11th grade.
ONE binder?? wow.. I need at least 10..
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