Tuesday, April 23, 2013

My first Pullip!

Happy Tuesday!

I like Tuesdays, because they're not Mondays. Monday is over and you've caught your breath from the weekend, not to mention that I don't have any Live Lessons on Tuesdays. But I digress.

I've known about Pullip dolls for a few years now. Chances are, if you're around the doll blogs, you'll hear of them sooner or later--basically, they're Japanese-style dolls with really big heads and eyes, and proportionately tiny bodies.

They're not as creepy as they sound, promise. I've always thought they were cute, but expensive (around the price of AG dolls, actually, because the price of AG keeps skyrocketing). Recently, PullipStyle released a new line called My Select Pullip, a batch of three of previously sold-out dolls without their stock outfits, so you get them cheaper. I've had my eye on Merl since she came out, so I figured now was the time to take the plunge!

I ordered her, and to my delight, the shipping was much faster than I expected and she came within two days. Let me tell you, she is just darling and I like her much better than I expected. Here's pictures to prove it! ;)

(You can see more pictures on my Flickr; I upload them fairly frequently. :)

Now sit there and tell me that she's not adorable. I dare you. ;)

It was an interesting experience for me to delve into a whole new brand that I'd never tried before. Merl is a totally different size than my other dolls, because everything about her except her head is just tiny. I see more sewing in my future (I made the little black dress, actually)!

I did have thoughts about renaming her, because I never thought Merl was the most attractive name. However, I have this hang-up about re-naming dolls...it seems wrong to deprive them of the name they came with, LOL So, Merl she remained. Besides, it's grown on me!

Quality-wise, Pullips are somewhat fragile but worth it, IMO. I will state that they're famous for hands coming off, ankle breakage, etc. Merl's arms have repeatedly tried to come out of their sockets, but I just pop them back in and they're fine. You can also get different bodies for them, that I assume are either sturdier or more flexible.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!



Unknown said...

Oooh, she's so cute! Do you think she's worth the money?

Quinlyn said...

Hannah, I do think she's worth the money! :)

Kate's Novel Idea said...

She is not cute!

...ok, she totally is, but you dared me to say she wasn't and I'm never one to pass up on a dare. To be honest, she is SOOOOO cute! Seriously, just *adorable.* The black dress you made is gorgeous. My favorite pose is the one she's doing in the pink and blue dress, with her hands clasped in front of her. Adorable! I love the shape of her eyes.
I need to stop reading your blog, or I'm going to start spending all my money on dolls... eh, worth it ^_^

Abby said...

She is solo cute! BTW, I am Anne Shirley in your quiz below.