Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Three. Years. And a giveaway.

Greetings Readers!!

A couple of you remember the day. Or at least the month. Err...the year...that Quinny & Co came to order. Back then, it was simply called Quinlyn's Blog. My mother in all her wittiness came up with the name that I thought was silly at first, but it stuck better than glue to a snail. (???)

And everyone, that was three years ago today.

I cannot believe that I have been blogging for three years. That I have been surrounded by all you wonderful people for three years. 1096 days. 26304 hours. 1578240 minutes. And a whole lot of seconds.

And I just want to say, thank you all for making this a lovely journey. I couldn't have done it without you.


Ha! You thought I was just going to leave you without something to show my appreciation? Erm, well, I mean, you have good reason, since I've done that before, but NOT TODAY.

I am having a giveaway.

And there's an item.

From American Girl.

Oh yes. It's legit.

I am giving away the I Like Your Style outfit for dolls.

You get the top, skirt, underwear, ponytail holder, and book w/ CD. Unfortunately, the boots did not come with the outfit, so you will not be receiving those. But hey, free outfit, even without the boots, I'd think it's pretty snazzy. ;)

You can enter the giveaway by going to my new "Giveaway" page on the top of my blog, next to the Home, About Me, Contact Me, and Meet the Dolls pages.

Once again,
Thank you.
And good luck.


1 comment:

Alisha said...

Congrats on your third blog anniversary, Quinlyn! You do a great job with your blog and blogging. Unfortunately, I haven't been that great of a blogger myself.

That's a great prize your giving away. It's nice of you to do so and I'm sure someone will enjoy winning it. I won't be entering because I already have the outfit and I'd rather see someone else win it.

Congrats again and I hope you are still able to continue your blog for many more years!

~Alisha :)