Saturday, August 22, 2009

A New Blog by my friend Jasmine! :D

Hey Everyone!

My friend Jasmine just made a blog! It is really cool! Please visit it by clicking HERE! :D It is called Dolls 'n Wool! She has Emily, Marisol, and the older blond bitty twins! Please comment and follow her! :)

On another note, I have been knitting most of the morning because the computer sorta crashed. :P As you can tell, it is up and running again. ;) I have been knitting for a reason. A BLOG reason. Tee hee will all find out in a later post! For now, feel free to guess!



Jasmine said...

Thanks so much Quinlyn! I'm guessing you've been knitting for a giveaway. I actually have been crocheting for a giveaway.

Cara said...

Hi quinlyn! I am also guessing you knitted for a giveaway! (Or also because I saw the post above!) LOL! I will enter if I get permission!